Rare and adorable Sylvanian Families doll house with lights. Accessories can be added for small additional price. Very heavy: around 3 Kg so best to deliver to you by hand. Can meet at Siu Hong MTR b

基本rendering plan 客人提供設計風格和平面圖(不包任何設計,如需要價錢另議。) $600-1000/張 追加角度$200/張 360vr image加$800 設計plan1 設計平面擺位$5/平方呎 交易流程: 客人提岀要求,圖紙數量。設計師報價及岀圖時間。 客人同意後,支付訂金$500 開始岀圖,會先岀細圖。客人確定無誤後支付尾數。 正式岀大圖。 交易完
E設計 / 室內設計Eric Leung

廣告噴畫,foamboard diecut,裱畫, 圍板,招牌,sticker, 場地佈置,電腦割字, 展板,PVC板,外牆按裝大帆布,banner,燈箱,車身廣告

Our team, specializes in Corporate and PRC businesses

Hong Kong Fiddle is a private music studio offering classical violin and fiddle lessons at our location in LOHAS Park, or in your home in the area.
H音樂 / 教學進修HKfiddle

紅磡半島豪庭, B2-08, 最近2座電梯, 1同 3座, 大堂電梯都近, 單邊位, 極寬敞(看圖), 兩邊門開盡大把位, 方便容易泊, 可泊大,中,小,車 $5,000 全包, 即時可泊, 業主放盤, 免佣 有意者Whatsapp/call 王小姐 94773771 第一年死約、 期滿前通知續租一年、 一個月上期、 一個月租金按金、 約滿前兩個月通知
t汽車及電單車 / 車位tony.lam.longyin

A)基本rendering plan 客人提供設計風格和平面圖(不包任何設計,如需要價錢另議。) $500-1000/張 追加角度$200/張 360vr image加$800 B)設計plan 設計平面擺位$3/平方呎(價錢可議,亦會提供擺位意見) C)傢俬施工圖 $300-1000/張 (根據複雜程度,價錢可議) 交易流程: 客人提岀要求,圖紙數量。設計師報價及岀圖時間。

Hong Kong's vocal coach to the stars works with both beginner and professional singers to improve vocal strength.
S音樂 / 教學進修SeanyMac Studios

A good command of English is not just essential to achieve success, it is key to open yourself to numberless possibilities and opportunities!

大家好,我係💜Janisse, 原任職平面設計數年,近年修讀室內設計課程,精通多個繪圖軟件。閑時接一些繪圖case,累積了豐富的繪圖經驗,可以專業快捷地為您繪製各類Presentation圖像: 住宅, 商業或公共空間的各類施工圖等.
J設計 / 室內設計Jase Visualize Studio

Beautifully renovated inside and out. All maintenance is up to date, and she is ready to cruise anywhere in Hong Kong Waters today!
S消閒及娛樂 / 買賣交易Saffron-Cruises

Jumbo Zone 主力提供賭場主題派對製作. 提供老虎機, 賭枱, 籌碼, 輪盤, 21點, 荷官等. 客戶包括本地及國際大型機構, 大小製作公司, 私人客戶等.

Your children will experience the power of creative expression and problem-solving while building their self-confidence and exploring their interests, all in a fun and supportive environment.
教學進修 / 兒童興趣班Creative Courses for Curious Kids

Asia Pacific Innovative Business Strategy and Human Capital Management Consultancy
a商業 / 顧問ascenassofp

Asia Pacific Innovative Business Strategy and Human Capital Management Consultancy
i商業 / 顧問icwhkfp

"ICW管理平台提供一站式測試、驗貨、驗廠及認證的整合服務。助您由比較不同國際檢測認證機構的價格、產品法規技術支援,到供應鍵管理,於一鍵完成。聯絡我們[email protected] ICW One-stop Management Platform provides Testing, Inspection, Factory Audit and Certification integrated service

Miss Lee - Professional Economics Tutor. 10+ years full-time teaching experience ( IB, GCE-AL, IGCSE/GCSE, AP, IAL, HKDSE, university economics and related subjects) for both local & overseas students
M教學進修 / 補習Miss Lee

Usko Optical 看盡精彩一刻 是香港隱形眼鏡及眼藥水等眼科產品的批發商及網上零售商。本公司於2013年成立,為彩昇光學有限公司旗下成員。USKO為多款知名隱形眼鏡和眼藥水品牌的銷售及批發代理,多元化的產品及優惠的價格,一直贏得市場大眾的支持。 以全港最優惠的價值,致力為大眾提供各大品牌的原裝正貨隱形眼鏡及相關產品,所有產品皆由美國

Paint Inspect Test Plane, Test report, Inspection form, paint Coating inspection
D商業 / 顧問Docopro Document Specification
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